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Q: Why are two TC cables shown to each pole? A: One TC is for the illuminated sign and one for the luminaire. Q: What is the depth of the signal footings? A: See plan sheet updates to be issued by forthcoming addendum. Q: Insurance limits are high. Can this be changed? A: Contractor will need to purchase the extra insurance. Q: How will water meters be adjusted? Will a licensed plumber be needed? A: The Contractor will be responsible for adjusting the meters and boxes as needed to match finish grade. The service connections both on the public and private side of the meter will need to be coordinated with City water crews. Q: Bid item calls for 6-inch concrete surfacing, where is this located? A: It is located on the SE corner, see note “const thickened conc s/w along mountable curb – 6” thick.”


see above